January Blues Journal-ling to Support Mental Health in 2023
Start off 2023 by giving yourself a self - help update.
It can be really useful to find a bit of space to build our selves up and look ahead for the year. Try this journa-ling exercise to help you find peace in 2022 and a plan for 2023.
Pick out 5 (or more) of the below list to compassionately review your year and find inspiration for 2023.
1) Looking back on 2022, there were several times when I really felt proud of myself - such as;
2) Last year I navigated tough situations, there is no way to handle these perfectly. but if I could thank myself for showing up and moving through them, id say something like Thank you for....
3) This was a compliment I received in my personal or professional life in 2022 that really meant a lot to me and rang true:
4) I'm excited to stretch myself in 2023 int he following ways?
5) I plan to support my physical health in 2023 by;
6) A fear i would like to start facing in 2023 is;
7) Something I deserve more of on 2023 is;
8) Something I would like to prioritize for 2023 because I want the best for myself is?
9) A special message of love and encouragement for my soul is;
10) I plan to make more time for joy and creativity in 2023 by doing;
This might take some time to complete but you can re-read it over 2023 and see if you are on track to self help or if you need a re-focus.
Maybe use an extra special notepad and a super new pen to make it feel more like you are completing this special task just or you.
The Ives