February 16, 2022
Wellbeing trends for 2022
Have you considered starting a mood diary? Well, according to BUPA, it's a wellbeing trend set to get big in 2022. Similar to general diaries, a mood diary is focused on your emotions and will help you improve your mental health. Simply put, it's a great way to record how you feel and why.
"After a turbulent year that's placed great pressure on our mental health, mood journaling is becoming more and more popular," adds Elizabeth.
"Keeping a mood journal, or emotion journal, can be a useful way to get to the root of lingering negative feelings (and increase positive ones). This allows you to recognise negative emotions and take action to help these feelings, whether it's opening up to a friend, loved one or mental professional. Writing down your feelings has been shown to reduce your feelings of anxiety and depression, too."
Sleep -
In the coming year, more of us are going to be tracking our sleep to make better adjustments to our routines. According to Destination Deluxe, some households will use tracking devices such as Apple Watches, Auro's Smart Ring, or EEG Headbands, while others will turn to aromatherapy oils to complement a more restful sleep.
Sleep hygiene is all about bettering our bedtime habits, whether that's going to sleep earlier, turning our phones off in the evening, or creating a restful environment at home. When you're tired, you can't function at your best, so why not put your sleep first in 2022? Our Sleep Magnesium oil has the benefits of both science and aromatherapy. Take a look at our range for Children and adults.
Gut Health -
When it comes to making healthy choices, improving your digestion is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing. With research from BUPA discovering that Google searches for 'gut health' are up by 83%, they predict 2022 will see more of us take good care of our gut.
"Prioritising your gut health is increasingly popular," says Elizabeth. "Gut health can refer both to your digestive system also known as your gastrointestinal (GI) tract – and the balance of bacteria in your gut. Your gut digests food, houses a range of bacteria, absorbs energy and nutrients, and gets rid of waste products."
If you're not sure where to start, some of the best foods to add to your diet include wholefoods, and fresh fruit and vegetables. Staying clear of processed foods is a good goal to have for 2022, as these can disrupt healthy bacteria in your gut.
These areas of our lives re a good way to start 2022 with a healthy bang - or why not even start them today to get ahead of the trend? We here at The Ives are certainly going to start better eating and a mood diary sounds really helpful. Combine these with our sleep and anxiety relief products and 2022 might seem less stressful already!